To download the audio, click on the 3 buttons that appear on the far right and click on download. Choose where you want to the file to be saved. Most people transfer it to their smart phone for easy access.

Or, you can simply play the audio from this site. Just click on the arrow button to start.
The recording titled "Stop Smoking Affirmations" is NOT hypnosis. You can listen to this while driving, exercising, walking the dog etc. It is designed to listen at very low volume, just loud enough to hear it. It is designed to play in the background while you are engaged in other activities. You can listen as often as you want. Keep the volume low so it doesn't distract you from your normal activities. 

Stop Smoking Affirmations 1 hour.mp3

Stop Smoking Affirmations 1 hour.mp3 Stop Smoking Affirmations 1 hour.mp3
Size : 85646.326 Kb
Type : mp3