Hypnosis. Stop smoking. NO cravings. No weight gain. No anxiety. No kidding. 90% success rate. Ottawa's only Stop Smoking Specialist. Mike Proulx, Certified Hypnotist. 613-317-1193
Why Laser, Patch, Gum, 
Inhaler & Prescription Drugs don't work!
How We Compare
In this section we cover the following:
  • Covid-19 Considerations.
  • Success rate explained.
  • Our Half Price Offer.
  • Diverse approaches.
  • 8 Reasons to choose us.
COVID-19 Considerations
for In-Person sessions.
Hypnosis is a personal service done one-on-one, in person. Based on current conditions, you have the option of not wearing a mask at your sessions. We provide hand sanitizers. If either one of us has symptoms of COVID-19, your sessions will be deferred. 

It is fair to assume that the overwhelming majority of the population does not have this virus. Please note: Mike Proulx, Hypnotherapist, is triple vaccinated. 
Success rate explained
In the hypnosis profession, the success rate varies widely, depending on the approach and methods used and the skills and training of the hypnotist. The success rate can range from as low as 10%* to as high as 65%+. *(Group hypnosis success rate is less than 10% - save your money).

The best attitude to have when considering hypnosis is to be open-minded and have an optimistic outlook. The human mind is incredibly complex, and hypnosis results will vary. One way to stack the odds in your favour is to hire a specialist who creates a custom hypnosis script based on your unique smoking history and mindset. 

To ensure the best possible outcome, a customized approach is always best. Our success rate averages at 90% in large part because we take the time to tailor the program to you.
Our Half Price Offer Explained!
This offer will end without notice. So, if you're serious about quitting smoking, the time to act is NOW!
The average cost for hypnosis services in Ontario is $150 per hour. Some hypnotherapist charge as much as $300 per hour. 

The marketplace offers Hypnosis packages that range from a single stand-alone one-hour session**, to as much as $1,200 or more for a multi-session package. 

** Single, stand-alone one-hour sessions may be cheap but they are a cash grab for unscrupulous hypnotists as they have a history of very poor results - there is no customizing & no follow-up & no accountability. If results are important to you, you'll want to read my section below titled: DIVERSE APPROACHES. 

A word of advice. Shopping on price alone is generally a big mistake. One needs to look at the totality of what is being offered. Price shopping works well when comparing identical physical products (example: Campbell's Tomato Soup). It doesn’t work so well when comparing vastly different services, such as hypnosis.  The lowest price or the most expensive one is not necessarily a good indicator of quality. 

Empower yourself - read my section below titled: Diverse Approaches (a bird's eye view of the hypnosis profession in layman's terms).

Our specialized 
3-session program.
The price means absolutely nothing unless you know the value of what you are getting. Please read "my 3-session program" and see the substantial value you are getting from your half price $545 investment. click here

* To qualify for the Half Price offer, you must attend all 3 sessions within 30 days. The discounted amount of $545 is due in full at your first session. ***Due to technical issues beyond our control, credit cards are not accepted at this time. Sorry for the inconvenience. You do save money by paying cash. 

 ***Additional discount of $45 when you pay cash ($545 less $45 = $500). ***(available for physical in-person sessions only - not available for online Zoom or phone sessions - receipts available upon request)

This HALF PRICE OFFER will end without notice. So, if you're serious about quitting smoking, the time to act is NOW!
Invest in your health and finances!

Smoking cessation hypnosis is NOT covered by O.H.I.P. and typically NOT covered by private insurance plans. You use our hypnosis services at your own expense. On a positive note, when you become a non-smoker, you no longer have the smoking expense. You can quite literally save thousands of dollars a year! The return on investment is enormous for both your financials and your health. 
Diverse Approaches
In this section, we inform you of the many approaches that hypnotists use, so that it may help you in choosing the hypnotist that is right for you. Empower yourself!
The Truth about
Hypnosis Recordings
Personal Recordings: When you experience a LIVE and interactive hypnosis session with a hypnotist, the trust and rapport have been anchored consciously and subconsciously in your mind. Once this real-life trust and confidence are embedded in your psyche, any hypnosis recordings made in the voice of the hypnotist that you interacted with, will be highly effective. 

When your subconscious mind listens to the recording, it recognizes the voice and accesses the real-life memories of your LIVE and interactive hypnosis sessions. It will, by default, bring the audio to life. It’s as if the hypnotist is there with you now. Personal recordings of this nature are considered as potent as a live and interactive session.
Impersonal Recordings: A stand-alone hypnosis recording from a total stranger that you have never interacted with before, lacks the deeply rooted trust and real-life LIVE hypnosis memories to make the recording effective. Without the foundation of a LIVE and interactive hypnosis session (be it online, phone or in person), such recordings are ineffectual or marginal at best. Save your money.
Group Hypnosis
Group hypnosis is impersonal. It lacks the personal trust and rapport of personal contact. Personal trust & rapport are critical for hypnosis to succeed. Being in a room full of people is distracting both consciously and unconsciously. There is a lot of unconscious emotional transference that takes place between individuals that will muddy the waters. 

The success rate for group hypnosis is less than 10%. Hypnotists who use this method do so because of greed. Group hypnosis is highly profitable and unethical. It may cost you less than a one-on-one hypnosis session, but the results are abysmal. Save your money.
 One-On-One Hypnosis
Generic Approach
Most hypnotists are generalists. They work with a broad spectrum of client issues (nail-biting, fear of heights etc.). Having pre-made, off-the-shelf hypnosis scripts makes it easier for the generalist to do his/her job. These scripts work, but only to a degree. 

These off-the-shelf scripts are a one-size-fits-all approach that will not work with your unique set of circumstances and challenges. Conclusion: The success rate is higher than group hypnosis. Less successful than custom-tailored hypnosis.
Custom-Tailored Approach
A custom-tailored approach requires an in-depth assessment of the client through a personal interview and questionnaire. Much like an actor's script, where every word is carefully chosen and must be said with precision and with the right emphasis, so too is a hypnotist script very precisely calibrated with specialized hypnotic language to achieve optimal results. 

Most hypnotists are Generalists (not specialists). They work with a wide range of issues and tend to use generic off-the-shelf scripts for ease and convenience. Few have specialized training in hypnosis script writing. Conclusion: A custom-tailored approach works much better than a generic approach.
One-Session Programs
In a one-session program, there is very little time for trust and rapport building essential for hypnosis success. There is no time for customizing the session for you. Typically, a one-session approach uses generic, off-the-shelf hypnosis scripts. There is no follow up or support. Conclusion: A one-shot deal. A hit or miss. Save your money.
Multi-Session Programs
There is time to establish the trust and rapport necessary for improving the odds of success. There is follow up and support. Multi-session programs tend to have more content, structure and in some cases multiple approaches. Since most hypnotists are generalists, they tend to use one-size-fits-all, generic, off-the-shelf scripts.  Conclusion: Multi-session programs are much better than one-session programs. If results are important to you, you'll want to choose a hypnotist who custom-tailors the hypnosis scripts to your specific needs and conditions.   
The Generalist vs the Specialist
Because a Generalist works with a wide range of issues, they tend to use off-the-shelf, one-size-fits-all generic scripts for their own convenience. A genuine specialist will only use custom-produced scripts tailored to the client's needs and conditions. Furthermore, the specialists tend to bring more relevant and expanded content specific to their specialty. When results are a must, trust a specialist. 
Not all hypnotists are created equal
The hypnosis profession in Canada is an unregulated one. As such, some have little or no professional training. And those that do may have minimal experience in the field or have severely limited their capabilities by using only textbook methods.

The key to choosing the ideal hypnotist is to select one with internationally recognized credentials who goes beyond textbook methods. The ideal professional is one who is constantly researching and innovating, finding better and faster ways to achieve results. For example, a hypnotist with a Ph.D. in psychology who has little experience in the field and does everything by the book may lack the full potential necessary to solve your unique issues. 

Basic & Advanced
Direct Suggestion Hypnosis (D.S.H) is the foundational training for all hypnotists. Direct suggestion hypnosis is useful when you are in a deep hypnotic trance and where there are no major contrary beliefs or secondary gains.  As the name implies, it uses direct language such as: “You are now a non-smoker.”  

Secondary benefits are hidden unconscious motivations that keep you smoking. Direct suggestion hypnosis can resolve secondary benefits, only if the client & hypnotist are aware of them. Otherwise, more advanced hypnosis skills are required. D.S.H. is considered a basic skill.
Indirect Suggestion Hypnosis (I.S.H.) is considered an advanced form of hypnosis. It uses specific language patterns that communicate directly to the unconscious mind regardless if you are in a trance or not. This method is especially useful if the individual has secondary gains or unconscious resistance that neither the client or hypnotist are aware of.  ** Only a minority of hypnotists are trained in I.S.H..
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (N.L.P.) is also an advanced form of hypnosis. It’s a codified, templated form of Indirect Suggestion Hypnosis. NLP is the shorthand and short cut to many of the indirect suggestion hypnosis language patterns.  ***Only a minority of hypnotists are trained in N.L.P.

Advanced Hypnosis
I used to smoke 2 packs a day. I toiled & suffered greatly in all my attempts to quit smoking. That's why I researched and innovated  the S--T out of this, so you don't have to suffer like I did!  Mike :)
Mike Proulx, is a certified practitioner of:
Direct Suggestion Hypnosis (D.S.H.)
Indirect Suggestion Hypnosis (I.S.H.)
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (N.L.P.)
12+ Years of Research!
Mike's unique and proprietary 3-session program is the result of over 12 years of personal research and innovation in the field. This unique formulation accounts for a 90% success rate (a feat seldom accomplished by even seasoned hypnotists)

A unique science-based combination of:
1) Positive Psychology 
2) Detox Physiology 
3) Advanced Hypnosis Methods

** This unique science-based program is protected by copyright & service mark laws. No one else has this program. 
8 reasons to choose us!

  Ready to book your first
In-Person or 
Online/Phone session?
Have questions? 

Call Mike Proulx now! 
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If you get voice mail, it likely means that I'm with a client, or I'm on the phone returning calls. So please leave a message, and your call will be returned just as soon as I am available. 

 When results are a Must, Trust, a specialist!
Local in-person sessions:
Ottawa, Ontario.
Online & phone sessions:
Canada Wide.
Live In-Person VS Live Online/Phone. Which is more effective? 
Copyright 2008-2023  Mike Proulx - www.StopSmokingSpecialist.ca